Friday, May 27, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the Niche Product on eBay

One common question I receive each day from readers and clients is, "I need a niche product. How do I find one?"

First of all, I want to state that the term "niche product" is overused and over rated. What does it mean anyway, and does everyone REALLY need one? Many new and seasoned sellers are convinced that they can't be successful on eBay without a niche product. This simply is NOT true.

The definition of a niche product is, "a small, well-defined portion of a market where there is demand for a product but not much competition." Some examples of niche products that were once good sellers include Red Bull soda, Crocs shoes, The Snuggie, and Silly Bandz. These products were unique. Red Bull was the first carbonated energy drink, aggressively marketed to extreme sport enthusiasts. Now, there are at least 25 brands of carbonated energy drinks in the grocery store, and if you try to sell Red Bull today you will fail miserably because there is just too much competition.

The same with Crocs shoes - a foam resin clog shoe with ventilation holes designed for comfort and easy cleaning. If you got in on the Crocs craze back in 2004 (which I did) and sold them on eBay, you made good money. I bought Crocs at regular retail and sold them for a nice markup to both domestic and international customers.

The point I am making here is that finding a so-called niche product is all about keeping your eyes and ears open, and paying attention to what is going on around you. There really isn't a sophisticated research tool that's going to help you identify these products. Terapeak can help you see trends, the most successful sellers are those who are paying attention to what they buy as a consumer, what their kids want, what is being advertised in mass media, and what is new on the market.

Don't assume you have to find a magical wholesaler or supplier for these products. The biggest point sellers miss about selling online:

Making a profit on eBay is about supply and demand. You may have access to something that others don't. Do not assume that because you walk by a product in a Walmart or grocery store every day that everyone else in the world sees that product every day, too. My successful clients (and myself) source products at places like Costco, Sam's, Walmart, Big Lots, TJ Maxx, grocery stores, drug stores, and other retail stores.

And don't expect to find a product that you sell sell from now on, for the rest of your life. It won't happen. Successful niche products have a short life span. Either the market is going to become saturated, too many imitations will be made, the product will be discontinued, or eBay will prohibit it (all of these things have happened to me).

Researching products for sale on or offline is an ongoing process - FOREVER. Most of my clients spend 5-8 hours a week searching for product ideas. Because if you've got a good one going now, rest assured, it won't last forever. You must constantly be mining for product ideas.

I am reading a great book about this topic right now called "Different, Escaping the Competitive Herd." This book is described as a book for people who don't read business books. The author explains that what you want to look for as a seller is a "unique product category." For example, the TV dinner was a unique product. It changed the course of history. The TV dinner was a new way to serve food that saved time and money. That's how you've got to think - what is out there that's new and different, that is not represented on eBay? Granted, truly innovative products like TV dinners and sliced bread are rare these days, but you get the point. eBay does not need more designer handbags, cell phones, or Wii games. Those categories are completely over saturated.

A niche product may not be an innovation, but the manner in which a current product is presented - like dishwasher tablets, yogurt in tubes, coffee that comes in small single servings for individual brewing, or breath freshener strips. Innovation is what people want. Don't follow the herd - you can't even be sure the herd knows what it is doing! Don't assume you have to be competitive - in fact, trying to beat the competition just makes you more like them. Aspire to be different. It's pretty easy to make money when you don't have any competitors.

(Oh, and if you are reading about niche products online, remember that thousands of other people are reading about them too, so you are aleady too late. Pay attention to what is going on around you and think for yourself.)

Related articles:

Finding Niche Products to Sell on eBay

The Ideal Niche Product to Sell on eBay

Online Selling Coach

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Start a Business Journal

Keeping a business journal can play a big role in building a successful business. It helps you track your progress as well as plan your next steps. It’s also a good way to track what techniques have been successful.

Journaling can also help you focus as a business owner. It is a great way to keep track of everything on your mind - problems, inspiration, and new ideas. Writing down these thoughts can help you process them. Plus, it provides a place to keep all your thoughts together so you don’t have to worry about forgetting something important.

Starting a business journal is simple. Just choose somewhere to write daily, whether it’s on your computer or in a bound journal. Choose whatever works for you and makes you the most comfortable. If you don’t like using a computer, you’re not as likely to journal daily if you choose it as your method.

It’s important to make daily writing a habit. Set aside time at the end of your day to write down what you’ve been thinking about all day, as well as how you feel about your business goals. Did you have a productive day? Are you frustrated about something? Did you learn something new and inspirational? Think about what you want to do in the future and how you will get to that point.

Also include a list of all you’ve accomplished that day in your journal. Even if it doesn’t seem important, it will give you a way to look back and see how you have spent your time. Include things like shipping packages, answering emails, listing items, researching products, etc. Be specific and include how many emails you answered and how many packages you shipped.

It’s a good idea to look back through your business journal periodically. This will help you get an idea of patterns in your work and even find ways to streamline your days and make things more efficient and productive.

While keeping a business journal can seem like too much work or a waste of time, it can actually end up saving you money and time. By tracking your work and thoughts about your work, you can stay focused and motivated, which will lead to increased productivity.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tips for Selling Disney Collectibles on eBay

Disney collectibles are very popular - so much so that many online stores have whole categories with just Disney merchandise. These sections are called Disneyana and are normally separated in post 1968 and pre 1968 categories. Pre 1968 merchandise is normally worth more than the newer items. However, if a newer item is very rare it can be worth more than older items. It all depends on what collectors want. And of course, not all items have value. There are many items out there that have been so mass produced that there is no demand for them.

Newer Disney items’ popularity is normally dependent on the popularity of the movie they’re from. While collectibles based on the main characters are of course popular, serious collectors are often just as interested in lesser known characters. There is a large variety of popular items, both new and old. Animation art (production drawings, etc.), books, records, comics, prints, and lithographs are all popular. And of course, snow globes, vintage watches, games, dolls, figurines, and toys are also popular. Even items from the various theme parks have value - menus, signs, programs, etc. Letters and other pieces with Walt Disney’s signature are also sought after by collectors.

It’s fairly easy to identify the age of Disney collectibles. The characters’ faces and other features looked different on older items. For example, Donald Duck had a pointier bill on older pieces. Minnie and Mickey also had different eyes - they were ovals with black pupils, and a “slice” was removed from each of the pupils.

It’s important to be sure that Disney collectibles are legitimate. There are a large number of rip offs made in China. To be sure that an item is truly valuable, it’s a good idea to have it appraised. Some items are sold with a Certificate of Authenticity to prevent this problem.

For more information about Disney products and their value, check out the sites below.

Disney Exchange

Duckman’s Inside Report

Monday, May 16, 2011

How to Find and Negotiate Exclusive Selling Arrangements

Many wholesalers are unwilling to sell to eBay sellers. But this weariness can actually pay off for you. With a little bit of sales ability and work, you can often negotiate an exclusive deal with wholesalers - making you the only seller offering their products on eBay (or Amazon).

Many manufacturers (especially smaller ones) feel that allowing their products to be sold on eBay or Amazon will have a negative impact on their brand and take business away from the brick and mortar stores they supply. When you get this response, this is your opportunity to sell yourself and your store. Let the wholesaler know that you understand and agree with their stance on eBay sellers. Then make the point that many eBay sellers lack experience. Tell them that you know if they offered their products to the majority of eBay or Amazon sellers, they would end up with a devalued product and unhappy brick and mortar buyers.

Once the wholesaler has agreed with you, it’s time to make your sale. Because you’ve shown that you understand their issues with eBay and Amazon, you’ve built trust with them. Explain to the wholesaler that if they will allow you the exclusive rights to sell their items on eBay or Amazon, you will follow several standards. Let them know that you will submit all your product descriptions for approval before listing, will not sell any of their items below the minimum advertised price, will monitor eBay to be sure that no one else is selling their products (and let them know who it is if someone does), and will buy at least their order minimum. This will often show them that you are different from most sellers and convince them that you can be trusted to sell their products.

While not all wholesalers will agree to let you sell their products exclusively (the success rate is about 10%), it is certainly worth a try. If you are successful you will gain a valuable source of inventory. To learn more about this technique and working with wholesalers, check this resource

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vintage Enamelware

Enamelware was created in the 1870s and was made until the 1930s. It was first available in catalogs and dry goods stores. Enamelware was available in variety of patterns and colors. It gained popularity because it was lightweight, sturdy, and easy to clean. Many different pieces were available, from ladles to pie tins.

A lot of enamelware was destroyed during World War II’s scrap metal drives. That has led to an increased value for the remaining pieces. Smaller pieces, such as pie tins or funnels, tend to sell for about $5 to $10. Larger pieces, such as mixing bowls or teapots, range from $30 to $300 dollars. The most expensive pieces are those that are in a rare color or pattern (like the red, purple, or cobalt blue swirl).

In 1960, Enamelware began to be manufactured again in the US. It is still produced today and is made around the world. You can tell if a piece is truly an antique by looking for a maker’s name or manufacturing date on the bottom. Old pieces also have wooden knobs (instead of the plastic knobs that are on new pieces) and the spouts and handles are riveted. New pieces have a smoother finish as well.

To clean old enamelware, start with a soft cloth and hot soapy water. You shouldn’t use steel wool or anything sharp because you can scratch the finish. If soap and water isn’t enough, use oven cleaner (the spray kind) to remove the dirt. Make sure to cover the handles and any tin lids before using it.

If the inside of a pot has lime or mineral stains, boiling potatoes or one teaspoon of baking soda can help remove them. If the stain is particularly stubborn, soak 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar overnight. Remaining stains can be soaked in water and chlorine bleach. It’s always a good idea to wash the piece with soap and water after you’ve removed the stains. This will remove harsh residues left by the cleaner.

Washing enamelware by hand is best for routine cleaning. A dishwasher should only be used if the pieces can be kept apart - you don’t want them to get banged up. Because water can lead to corrosion, make sure to dry the enamelware completely after it’s washed.

If your enamelware has rust spots, apply naval jelly to it for 10 minutes. Then apply cooking oil to help prevent additional rust. If you’ll only be using your enamelware for display purposes, you can coat it with spray wax or clear lacquer. Always be sure that any enamelware used for food is unchipped - bacteria can grow in damaged spots.

Vintage kitchen items are great sellers on eBay. Click here for a free list of vintage items you can find at thrift stores and garage sales and sell on eBay for profit.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What Opportunities are Available to You?

As part of my coaching program, I ask my clients to return a client prep form the day before each coaching session. Here is what the form looks like:

1. What I have accomplished since our last call:

2. What I did not get done but intended to:

3. The challenges and problems I am facing now:

4. The opportunities which are available to me right now:

5. I want to use the coach during the call to:

6. What I promise to get done for the next call:

The clients are to fill out the information so that I can help them in areas where they need it and help them achieve their initial goals of the training program. The #4 question provides valuable insight into the client’s mindset and attitude. When I receive an answer like “nothing” or “none,” I become very concerned. I can’t get my mind around the idea that someone does not have opportunities. I usually become concerned that this client won’t make it in the eBay or online selling business. Opportunities are everywhere and you must be proactive and seize them.

The definition of the word “opportunity” is: A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

For my clients living in the USA, we live in the most prosperous country in the world. People risk their lives to come live here because of the opportunities and freedoms our country offers. You can say pretty much anything you want (freedom of speech), worship any way you want (freedom of religion), you have the right to a fair trial if you are accused of a crime (try that in some other countries), you can live where you want, choose your profession, and have as many children as you want to. These things, among others, are what make America so great.

If you are willing to work, you can be successful and build a thriving business. I know lots of people doing it. (Check my Facebook group where we talk every day!) Free enterprise allows every American the opportunity to succeed. Everyone has the same opportunities available to them. If you have time, an internet connection, and the desire to succeed at this business, you can.

We still have a workable economy. Sure, there are lots of people unemployed, gas is expensive, and the housing market has its problems. What better time to take responsibility for yourself and your future? Start your own business and rely on yourself rather than someone else for your prosperity. Don’t have the money to do it? Check into small business loans, government grants, and other free small business startup money. It is out there. Make Google your new best friend and find it.

Can’t find anything to sell? Look harder. Or don’t look quite so hard. There is more at your fingertips than you realize. I was chatting with a fellow seller last week about other sellers lamenting over not finding inventory to sell. She said, “What CAN’T you sell? The only limitation is your time.” Click here for a huge list of things to sell and where to find them.

Bottom line, if you aren’t finding something to sell:


Granted, not all of the methods listed above are going to appeal to every person. And nobody said this was going to be easy. Nothing worth doing is easy. So, if you are not finding anything to sell, here are a few strategies:

Get out of your comfort zone. The saying goes, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” Shake it up. Do something different. Try a new business model, product, or site. Being uncomfortable leads to growth and progress.

Work at it – hard! If you want to sell items from Sam’s or Costco, go to the store with a notepad and write down 100 products and go home and research them. Looking at 10 things isn’t going to cut it. You have to dig deep. If you want to find wholesale products to sell, get this list and start looking through all of the providers. Seek and ye shall find. Other sellers are doing it, you can too.

Educate yourself. If you want to get better and finding items at estate or garage sales, study the subject. Pretend you are getting your masters in online selling. Spend an hour a day looking at completed listings on eBay – search for the keywords vintage or collectible and look at the listings. Get a Kovel’s guide and start reading it a little every day. Join groups and forums and read what people are talking about. Put in the time. This is like learning a foreign language – you have to immerse yourself in it every day for a long time, and you still will never know it all. It takes time to get comfortable and think in the new language.

Be persistent. Keep working at it. Successful people are the ones who don’t give up. 75% of what I tried when I started this business did not work. The other 25% is what got me where I am today.

So, what opportunities are available to you right now? Do you have a working internet connection and a few hours a week? Do you know of a discount store near you that you haven’t tried sourcing inventory from? Is there a small thrift store or consignment store you can partner with and sell their items on commission? Do you have a Sam’s or Costco membership? Do you have a virtual service you can sell?

Grab the bull by the horns and get busy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Types of Collectible Dolls to Sell on eBay

Collectibles sell well on eBay, and dolls are no exception. Here are five types of dolls that do especially well.

American Girl dolls are incredibly popular with children and adults. The wide variety of time periods and ethnicities available means that everyone can find a doll that’s just what they want. The dolls range from Josephina, who lives in New Mexico in the 1830s, to Addy, who is from the 1860s and just became free from slavery.

Madame Alexander dolls are also popular. They were created in 1923. The dolls are available in variety of ages and as a male or female. There are a multitude of costumes available as well, letting collectors dress them for any occasion. Madame Alexander also created dolls of famous individuals, such as Judy Garland.

Lifelike dolls do well on eBay too. They’re also known as living dolls, unliving dolls, and reborn babies. They are made by many different people and the process takes hours. Normal baby dolls have hair added, are given new eyes, have filling replaced to make them a realistic weight, and are painted to make them look as much like a real baby as possible.

Another type of doll that’s popular on eBay is the German doll. The best known creators are Simon and Halbig, Kestner, Kammer and Rienhart, Heubach, and Armand Marseille. Of these, J.D. Kestner is the most popular and is often referred to as the King of German Doll Makers. His company made dolls from 1820 to 1938. The dolls’ bodies were made from wood, leather, or composition. All German doll artists created dolls that were meant to look like their children. Because of that, most of the dolls had full cheeks and wore simple clothing. Some companies also specialized only in doll heads.

Last but not least, Barbie dolls are very popular on eBay – they are the bestselling doll e eBay, to be exact. Limited edition Barbies can be worth a great deal of money and be in high demand. There are collectors everywhere, so Barbies often sell internationally on eBay.

Related articles:

Barbie Makes a Case for International Shipping

How to Clean Matted Doll Hair

Lalaloopsy Dolls

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

eBay Business Time Management Tip

People often ask me how I get so much done every day. Part of it is developing good work habits, balancing work and personal life, and time management. Although you can’t really manage time (we all only have 24 hours a day), you can make your time more productive. One way I do this is converting idle time to learning time.

If you’re short on time, it can seem impossible to add anything else to your packed schedule – even positive and needed things such as reading helpful books or attending a seminar about time management. But it is possible to make it work – you just need to think creatively.

Take advantage of time that would normally be wasted, such as time that you spend commuting or driving around on errands. If you normally listen to music, you could use this time to listen to audiobooks instead. Or, download a time management book to your iPod – you can buy equipment inexpensively that will play the book through your car speakers.

Even if you aren’t able to focus completely on the book while you’re driving, just having it on in the background will let the information soak in. Listening to those positive influences will help motivate and inspire you.

By integrating inspirational resources into your everyday life, you’ll begin to make the principles and techniques involved second nature. Even though you’ll be listening to these resources in bits and pieces, you’ll also be listening to them multiple times (about 5 times per book is recommended). This will make more of an impact than a single seminar.

Don’t stop with your commute – think about the rest of your daily schedule. There may be other times that you can listen to audio books, such as when you’re working out or cooking dinner. With a little creativity, you can fit informational and time saving books into your daily life – no matter how busy you are.

I have recently started using Audible to download audiobooks to my computer, iPod, and Kindle. I listen to audiobooks sometimes when I am listing, shipping, walking at the park, or at night instead of reading.

Some I have listened to recently:

The Facebook Effect (Free download!)

The Walmart Way – The Inside Story of Success – Don Soderquist

Success and Leadership – Zig Ziglar

Awake the Giant Within – Tony Robbins

Click here to check out Audible’s special offer and start using drive time and idle time as learning time! A few minutes here and there really adds up. For example, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, adds up to 130 hours a year. Why not use that time to listen and learn?

Related articles:

#1 Excuse for Failed Businesses – I Don’t Have Enough Time

How to Work More Efficiently when Selling on eBay

Become a Self-Builder

1 FREE Audiobook Credit RISK-FREE from