Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Price an Item to Sell on eBay

One of the most frequent questions I receive as an eBay consultant is, "How much can I sell this for on eBay?" Here is a video that demonstrates the process for determining how to set your starting bid or buy it now price. In this example, I am listing an item that sells for $92 and has a 100% sell through rate.


1. Choose your keywords carefully. Choose keywords that correspond with the highest average price. Don't be so concerned with the NUMBER of listings with a keyword, focus on the keywords that bring the highest average price. (Of course, you can only use the words that apply to your item.)

2. Remember that the average price is an average. There may be listings in the data that bombed because the seller started his price too low, made mistakes in his listings, had a bad photo, or made other mistakes that caused him to receive a lower price. Strive to do better than the average!

3. Pay attention to listing type. This will tell you which listing format to use in order to get the highest price.

Happy Selling!

Know when to sell on eBay

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