Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Make $10 More on Every eBay Sale

Yes, you read that right. How to make $10 more on every eBay sale, without raising your price. Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant and been asked, "Do you want fries with that?" or "Would you like to biggie-size that?" This is called upselling and you can do it on eBay with information products. Here is how.

This technique is most effective if you are selling items in a well defined niche. And you will need to be creative. Let's say you sell gardening supplies like hand tools, knee pads, tomato cages, gloves, and composting bins. Obviously, your target market is people who are working in their home garden. Put together a 10-20 page eBook that relates to your topic and add it to your eBay store for around $10. In this case, some suggestions would be:

10 Tips for Growing Great Tomatoes

25 Vegetable Recipes that Kids Will Actually Eat

End of the Garden Vegetable Soup Recipes

Vegetable Garden Companion Planting

You get the idea. Now, you don't have to write the eBook if you don't want to. (If you want to write your own eBook, here is an article on how to do it.) You can go online and buy eBooks with resell rights or hire a college student to write it for you. The trick is to make your eBook an upsell to a specific product - make sure the eBook contains additional information that will help your buyer.

When a buyer makes a purchase, send the buyer an a email that says,

"Thanks for purchasing our folding tomato cage. You may also be interested in my eBook, 10 Tips for Growing Great Tomatoes. Click here to learn more." You will need to manually send these emails as HTML (with links) will not work on the eBay automated emails. Just setup a template in WORD and do it manually.

The "click here" link will go to your listing on eBay for the eBook. Remember that eBooks must be delivered on a CD, so you can just slip the CD into the customer's order.

This is a very effective strategy for increasing your sales. It is much easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to find a new one. This idea came from Skip McGrath's eBay Marketing System. This 300-page course is full of ideas like this to help you increase your eBay sales and profits in very creative ways. (I use Skip's manual when coaching my eBay clients.)

Start thinking about how you can tack $10 on to each eBay sale with an information product. Train yourself to ask, "Do you want fries with that?"

Happy Selling!

How to Create and Sell Information Products on eBay

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